Name: Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection
Consoles: Switch, PS4, Xbox One, Steam
Date of Release: May 2018
Excitement 'O' meter: 7.5/10
So, it looks like Capcom are really cranking out the collection games this year doesn't it! In one of my last blog posts I talked about the Mega Man X collection which is to be released on various current generation consoles in the summer; which I'm very much looking forward to by the way! But it seems Capcom is already working on another collection which is due once again to be released on current generation consoles even sooner than the X collection. Arguably Capcom's most famous series, Street Fighter! Celebrating 30 years of the franchise.

So any gamer worth their salt knows what is contained within a Street Fighter game, it did perfect the genre after all. For those of you a bit unsure let me remind you. The Street Fighter games are one on one tournament fighting games, the same premise which are seen in games such as Mortal Kombat and Soul Caliber (If anyone is still playing that franchise these days). Back in the 90s thanks to Street Fighter 2, fighting games were all the rage thanks to its intricate combo system, graphics and memorable character roster; not to mention their move sets too! Going back to my point then, if the Street Fighter series is so good why I am talking about this collection (which contains 12 full games by the way) potentially dissatisfying some gamers? Well this is due to the games which are actually contained on the list. You see, Capcom didn't just release one version of Street Fighter 2. In fact they kept updating the game which included new features such as new characters or more balanced move sets for the fighters. This resulted in Street Fighter 2 getting released about five different times, maybe more as I can't quite recall how many versions were actually released back in the day.
Herein lies the potential problem for this game then: most of the games on the collection are updated releases of the same game. The full games on the collection are as follows:
- Street Fighter
- Street Fighter 2
- Street Fighter 2: Champion Edition
- Street Fighter 2: Hyper Fighting
- Super Street Fighter 2
- Super Street Fighter 2: Turbo
- Street Fighter Alpha
- Street Fighter Alpha 2
- Street Fighter Alpha 3
- Street Fighter 3
- Street Fighter 3: 2nd Impact
- Street Fighter 3: Third Strike
As you can see there are a fair few versions of Street Fighter 2 included on the collection. Now, If you're a big Street Fighter fan and never managed to play the various versions before, this collection will be a god send! And yes, I too am very much looking forward to the collection as I've never really had chance to play all the various games, especially in upscaled HD graphics which they're sure to be. It even includes an online mode where you can battle various other players over your favourite version which is a fantastic edition.

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