Thursday 8 February 2018

My Retro Gaming Merch #1: SNES Keyring

Name of Merch: SNES Keyring

Purchased from: HMV (UK)

Price: £3.00

So my latest little piece of merchandise which I bought the other day whilst taking a look in HMV was a flexible rubbery SNES keyring. My girlfriend actually spotted a gameboy one which she loved. But immediately after I spotted a PlayStation keyring followed by a SNES controller one which was the one I knew I wanted!

I know this piece of particular merchandise is nothing special, but I  actually did need a keyring as I wanted to replace the one on my car keys as it was a generic keyring stating the model of my car and the price I bought it for. Having the SNES keyring on my keys now though has brought a little more personality to my car! So yeah! As I said before, the keyring is made of a flexible rubbery material and feels of pretty good quality. The miniature keyring looks just like the multicoloured SNES controller all of us PAL region players grew up with. Its obviously just a keyring at the end of the day though and isn't any merchandise worth bragging too much about. However it does make a nice little addition to a bland set of keys, and if you're in need of a keyring these retro gaming keyrings do the job nicely; not to mention they're not too pricey either. I picked mine up from HMV but I'm sure there are many other stores which supply them.

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