Thursday 13 June 2019

Banjo-Kazooie Finally In Smash Bros!!

Hey guys and gals! It's been a while since my last blog post! But hey, forget about that! Banjo & Kazooie are finally added to a Smash Bros game!! Yeah, for real! Nintendo announced it at this year's E3 right at the end of their presentation and fans are going crazy over it as the bear and bird have been requested by numerous gamers ever since the first Smash released back in the N64 days! Ever since their debut back on the N64 these two have been loved by numerous gamers due to their stunning first and second 3D platforming games. A few, including myself, even put their first title above the likes of Mario 64! This was the level of quality Rare first put into the bear and bird combo and since then have become dear characters.

So we know what they look like in Smash thanks to the gameplay shown in the presentation and they even showcased some of the moves we can expect to see! I have to say all of this, including the new Spiral Mountain level which is coming too, looks fantastic. Banjo & Kazooie had a great range of moves they could perform in their two respective games and it looks like they transfer well to Smash. Even their voices sound just how they did back in the day!! Combine this with the aforementioned brand new Spiral Mountain stage and the one or two (hopefully more) music tracks which are bound to be shown off too then this looks like one of the very best third party characters Nintendo has added to their favourite fighting franchise.

My next thoughts are how will they play? Slow and heavy like Bowser or nimble and agile like Diddy? Or perhaps a mixture in-between? We won't know until the day of release which is scheduled to be Autumn of this year. I can see them being favourites among the Smash community though; not just for the fact it is actually Banjo & Kazooie who we finally get to play as, but due to their seemingly diverse move-set they seemed to be demonstrating during the presentation. Either way though, well done Nintendo! They really seem to be granting the dreams of gamers via Smash characters at the moment and hopefully it'll continue! 

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