Wednesday 28 March 2018

My Smash for Switch Wish List

Image result for smash brosHiya guys and gals! So as of late I've been hearing about various people from various websites start to mention, probably Nintendo's most popular franchise, Super Smash Bros which is due to be released on Ninty's newest console the Nintendo Switch. While it sure won't be released anytime soon, that hasn't stopped fans and gamers from talking about all sorts of aspects about the game, from potential new characters they'd like to see having a scrap to brand new modes of play. So that made me think of what I would like to see released in the new Smash. So here we go! A wish list regarding what I would like to see in the next Smash Bros game! In no particular order by the way.

A new Subspace emissary type mode

Image result for super smash bros subspace emissaryLets face it, the last Smash Bros game which was released for the Wii U felt a bit of an empty single player experience due to the fact there wasn't an adventure mode which was present in the last two Smash games. And to be honest, I wasn't that impressed with the Subspace Emissary mode which featured in Smash Bros Brawl for the Wii. What I would love to see would be a fleshed out adventure mode containing levels from the Nintendo universe. The Subspace Emissary lacked due to the fact the levels were mostly comprised of generic levels: a zoo, a generic spaceship, generic grassy plains etc. Granted, there were one or two levels inspired by the Ninty universe, but these could of been better and were very few and far between. Wouldn't it be great to control Link throughout the Mushroom Kingdom or have Mario exploring the dark depths of Brinstar? It would be fantastic to have a woven storyline incorporating all of the various gaming characters the Smash franchise seems to include these days; the possibilities are all there for a captivating and entertaining story for a great single player, or heck, even multiplayer experience. In order for the next Smash game to be truly great I do believe it needs a great adventure mode again; another board game type mode like last time is just not good enough.

Customiseable move sets

Image result for super smash bros subspace emissaryI believe the time has come where players are able to choose from a range of moves they wish their favourite Smash fighter to have. For example, someone like Link makes the use of his bow when pressing the B button and nothing else, but what about if you could select something else in its place? How about a charge up hammer strike? With the use of the Megaton Hammer link could charge up his strike and then release to deal the damage! Or how about instead of pushing down and B to make Link reach for a bomb, he could instead reach inside to pull out a random weapon which he could wield for a certain time before it broke (just like in Breath of the Wild). How about someone like Mario? Instead of pressing right and B on the controller to swish his cape, what about if instead it made him throw Cappy? Or how about changing his B move from using a fire flower to throwing out a question block, hitting that question block and then using one of the many power ups the plumber has used throughout the years? My ideas for moves for various characters could go on and on but I have to end it at some point! You get the idea though. I know creating an array of moves for all the characters would take time and effort regarding balancing the characters (not making them too over or under powered), but I feel it would be a great addition to the franchise and no one Character would feel the same. Even if you all were using Samus they would feel that bit different due to the moves the player has selected for her.

Better online play

Image result for super smash bros cloud
The online play for the previous Smash title wasn't bad by any means but it could of been better. Nintendo has never been one for leading the way when it comes to online play but it would make Smash a sensational game if the online mode was given proper care and attention. Imagine having ranked modes under various rules and circumstances; from professional ranked matches which take place on Final Destination type stages to ranked matches for special rules such as giant smash or tiny smash. Nintendo could also host tournaments where the victor earns a certain reward the higher they climb up the tournament ladder. They could even host certain new event matches each week which players could partake in and even download them to the Switch in order to play them at a later date; the online possibilities with this game are many and I think it's time Nintendo started to exploit them.

Signing up more third party characters

To give credit to Nintendo I already think they have been hitting this particular objective, what with the likes of Sonic, Mega Man, Ryu and even popular characters such as Cloud from Final Fantasy VII! A game which wasn't even released for a Nintendo console! Most players expected to see him as a playable fighter in the PS3 game Playstation AllStars Battle Royale, but it seemed Nintendo had the last laugh signing him up as a playable fighter for their Smash franchise instead. It really is fantastic to see all of these iconic characters do battle with each other in familiar historic gaming arenas with the timeless music to fight along side it; it is an area Nintendo has done well and needs to continue to do so. There will always be multiple characters which fans will love to see in the next Smash instalment and Nintendo needs to continue to sign up as many famous gaming faces as they can as this will entice more gamers to play the game and the Smash community to grow.

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